Providing Hope and Aid in Kale Township Amid Escalating Conflict

We share the following report from a ground team that has received part of our donation fund, and we thank all of our donors who have supported our mission, allowing us to give to those in need during this most critical time.

Thank you sincerely for your patience and unwavering support in these trying times. The situation in Kale Township remains dire, with continuous military presence resulting in the destruction of villages and homes. The persistent battles have disrupted transportation and led to frequent checkpoints, making aid delivery a challenging endeavor.

Given the circumstances, we allocated the funds received from Better Burma to provide essential aid to internally displaced persons (IDPs) residing in camps. Our primary focus was to ensure a day's sustenance for these individuals who have faced immense hardship. The task was not without its challenges, as procuring various cooking items to feed everyone required meticulous planning.

With the allocated funds, we were able to prepare meals that catered not only to the general population but also offered specialized support. Specifically, we provided nutritious juice to pregnant women and children, addressing their unique dietary needs. In total, we managed to feed approximately 93 villagers, including those who contributed to cooking and transportation logistics.

As of the writing of this report on December 14, a distressing turn of events unfolded. The ongoing military assaults intensified, prompting children and expectant mothers to seek refuge in hiding. The escalating conflict has led to indiscriminate bombings and ground assaults, endangering the lives of innocent civilians.

These are the essential supplies we were able to purchase and distribute based on your support:

●      Beans

●      Beans Powder

●      Fried Beans Powder

●      Fish Sauce

●      Raw Milk

●      Chicken Powder

●      Chicken

●      Chili

●      Oil

●      Carrot

●      Chili Powder

●      MSG

●      Salt

●      Chili Sauce

●      Lemon

●      Ginger

●      Onion

●      White Onion

●      Moh-hin-gar (Burmese Fish Noodle

●      Soda/Juice

The contributions received were pivotal in providing immediate assistance to those in dire need. However, the recent escalation of violence underscores the urgency and gravity of the situation, necessitating continued support and intervention, if you are able to provide further aid. Your generous donations have made a tangible difference, offering sustenance and a semblance of hope to those affected by this devastating conflict. We remain committed to our mission of alleviating suffering and ensuring the well-being of these vulnerable communities. Thank you once again for your unwavering compassion and support during these challenging times.

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