What can $1,000 buy in Burma?

What can $1000 do in Burma? To answer this question, we share the following report, which shows how a grand was able to reach three different regions of the country, potentially impacting the lives of upwards of 700 individuals! Please read the following report, and consider a donation of any amount to help our mission continue!

Following the receipt of the allocated funds, our teams initiated the urgent procurement of food supplies for the affected areas in Shan, Chin, and outside of Yangon. The team members carefully selected and packaged nutrient-rich food items, which were then swiftly dispatched for distribution. In Yangon, the focus was on slum areas and communities suffering from extreme poverty, including IDP camps and orphanages on the city's fringes—places often neglected and surviving solely on donations, which unfortunately are not coming these days from other supporters, and so many individuals (including children) are now going days without food. Many who received food, stated they hadn’t eaten in days and were immensely grateful.

In Chin, amidst the conflict and remote locations, the team concentrated on ensuring the safety of the beneficiaries while providing them with enough food to sustain them for over a week. The situation in Shan is dire, with continuous bombardment and attacks leading to displacement and high vulnerability among the evacuees. These individuals, who often suffer injuries and lack access to clean water during transit, face increased risks of illness and disease, contributing to a high mortality rate. Our teams took additional safety measures to deliver aid to these communities, prioritizing the most in need.

The recipients, which we estimate may reach over 700 in total, provided with food to last beyond a week, expressed immense gratitude, with many stating they had not eaten for days. We focused on nutrient-dense options to maximize the benefits of the donations for each group..

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