A Monk donates in South Dagon

South Dagon has been one of the hardest hit parts of Yangon this month, and even venturing into the impoverished neighborhoods can be a risk these days. But the Buddhist monk Pyi Nyar Woon Tha ventured ahead anyway, bringing many food supplies and other critical items urgently needed by the communities here.

In a reversal of the typical lay-monastic giving structure found in Myanmar, this monk took care to deliver and offer these items himself to those residents in dire need.

We are so pleased to begin working with Pyi Nyar Woon Tha and supporting his mission. The monk explains that the terror of these last few months have been so great that he is unable to concentrate his mind for daily meditation as in normal times, but does what he can to practice metta and karuna.

Please consider supporting our mission so we can provide more funds for friends like Pyi Nyar Woon Tha.